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What snow blizzard?

  Malaysia has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

It's officialThere will be no snow in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. There's not a vestige of truth in the  rumour that has been widely repeated on the internet -- that a snow blizzard would hit Kuala Lumpur at 7pm tomorrow.

Meteorological Department director-general Dr Yap Kok Seng said that it was impossible for snow blizzards to occur in tropical countries. Still, we should be prepared for bad weather until November 24 as predicted by the Meteorological Department.

Imagine snow falling all over Kuala Lumpur. Of course it's not true, what an absurd idea!

That's what you think.

Judging by the phone calls and emails which the Meteorological Department has had to handle over the past few weeks, many Malaysians seemed to have lost their capacity to distinguish between reality and fantasy.

I must admit that for several hours I was haunted by the possibility of snow-capped high-rise buildings in the city. I am happy that the Meteorological Department has taken action to douse the rumours.

Calvin, what are you going to do with your winter clothes?

I will be preparing for my next trip to the beach (see picture courtesy of Jehan Mohd).

Thank God for sunny Malaysia!


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