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A perfect start to 2011

Words of wisdom.

Why do some think that they are preserve of philosophers or wise old men? Everyone has an opinion worth listening to. I am reminded of this time and time again.

I had an interesting conversation with a colleague early this week. It was on the morning of January 3, the first working day of the brand new year. I was in the office canteen and said hello to a colleague.

We exchanged greetings and proceeded to select our food items at the breakfast buffet. As luck would have it, we ended up sharing a table. Our conversation turned to our personal and professional aspirations.

I discovered that Kulwant is studying for a teaching degree on a part-time basis. Her enthusiasm drew me in.

Her commitment to her studies is inspiring. She describes it as "journey" -- to a whole new world. She is excited about the prospect of discovering new things and improving herself.

She talked about her love of the English language and her desire to master it. Words and more words! That's her current preoccupation.

We wanted to discuss more but work was waiting for us at the office. We reluctantly walked to our respective departments.

I was still thinking about her pearls of wisdom when I switched on the computer at my desk. Talking to Kulwant was a wonderful boost for my morale. It was a perfect start to what I now believe will be a great year for me!

Statements that express something about great peoples' attitudes to life are a rich source of inspiration for many of us.

But our friends, colleagues and even strangers have their own stories which may resonate with us.

Thank you very much, Kulwant!


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